Registration & Program
au Festival 2024 تسجيل
- La
participation au 19ème Festival National
d'Astronomie Populaire est ouverte à
tous les Clubs et Associations d'Astronomie ou scientifique
activant sur le territoire national.
Veuillez remplir la Google Form avant le 05 avril 2024.
Vous recevrez alors avant le 15 avril au plus tard une
confirmation de votre participation. Ou contactez nous au: 0771560658
- La participation au Festival est aussi ouverte aux
Associations soeurs des autres pays moyennant
certains arrangements. Nous assurons l'hébergement complet à notre charge. Dans ce dernier cas,
veuillez remplir la Google Form avant le 05 avril 2024 et aussi nous contacter directement.
to the 2024 Festival
from Abroad (French & English speaking):
and individuals from abroad wishing to participate
to the Festival are most welcome. Please fill out the Google Form before the 5th of April 2024. application form is here (For Arabic speaking people, see below). They are however urged to contact us so as to work out the specific arrangements. Full local accommodations
will be provided free of charge for them.
Participants from Africa are particularly welcome and we will make extra efforts in order to receive amateurs from the continent. Please contact us.
Algerian Participants - Application Forms
Participants from Abroad - Application Forms
Please do also contact us directly for the invitation letter
Group picture of this year's participants (Click for HR picture). Scene from the closing theater play here
The Previous Popular Astronomy Festivals
In addition, during the Covid years, we were able to hold some mini-Festivals we dubbed "Open Days" on the Universe...
The Festival's venue: CERIST building (Scientific Mediation Research Unit), Technopole, Constantine Hill at Constantine.
Some of the guest lecturers
Scenes from last year's Festival
Opening ceremony for the Astro Festival 2023 ... of a rich program of activities.. |
The Synoptic Program
April 24 |
- Arrival of the participants
- Setting up of the exhibition of the participing Associations & Clubs: at the "House of Science" - CERIST, Technopole, Constantine Hill, Constantine |
April 25 |
- Inauguration of the Festival & the Exhibition
- Tour of the Exhibition
- Lectures
- Exhibition
- Planetarium sessions outside (Weather permitting)
- Astronomical workshops: , citizen scuience projects ...
April 26 |
- Lectures
- Exhibition & Planetarium sessions
- Astro Exhibition, lectures, kids contest, science movies ...
- Round table on: "The Black Holes: The Hidden Cosmic Beasts "
- Visit to downtown Constantine: its bridges, the Emir Abdelkader Mosque (The second largest Mosque in Africa!), the Monument...
- Night time observation with instruments : Sirius astronomy Association, astrophotography |
April 27 |
- Conferences
- Astro Exhibition & Planetarium sessions
Afternoon:Closing Ceremony
- Theater play: from the Sirius theater troupe
- Musical Interludes
- Poetry reading
- Diploma award ceremony, honoring special guests, closing remarks,... |
April 28 |
- Cultural and Touristic Trip:
To be announced. |
Programme Synoptique
24 avril
- Arrivée des participants
- Installation de l'exposition: CERIST, Technopole, Constantine |
25 avril
- Exposition,
- Inauguration de l'Exposition à 11h00
- Exposition,
- Conférences
- Observation solaire
- Séances de Planétarium
- Ateliers astronomiques: CRAAG, SAT |
26 avril
- Exposition, conférences,
séances d'observation solaire avec le Coronado
- Séances de Planétarium
Après midi:
- Exposition, conférences , concours, films scientifiques...
- Table ronde : « Les Mystères des Trous Noirs », avec un panel d'astronomes
- Visite de la ville et de ses ponts dont le grandiose 8ième pont Salah Bey
- Observation astronomique : Le Ciel du Printemps avec Sirius, CRAAG & ACF.
- Ateliers d'Astronomie: avec le CRAAG, la SAT...
27 avril
- Exposition, séances d'observation solaire
- Conférences
- Séances de Planétarium
Après midi:
- Pièce théâtrale: "Les Trous Noirs sont Partout " avec l'équipe théatrale de Sirius et la chorale de l'Association.
- Cérémonie de clôture, mot
de la fin, lecture des résolutions, distribution
des prix...
28 april
- Randonnée culturelle et touristique: To be announced later ... |
Program of the Lectures
plus de participer au Festival avec un projet et
un stand, vous participerez aux différents
ateliers et conférences qui se dérouleront
en parallèle.
& International Institutions and Agencies
Participating at the
- IAU: International Astronomical Union (IAU) |
AUASS: Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences,
Amman, Jordan |
AfAS: The African Astronomical Society, Cape Town, South Africa |
- PSM: Palais des Sciences, Monastir, Tunisie |
- Jordanian Astronmical Society, Amman, Jordan |
- SAT: Societé Astronomique de Tunisie, Tunis, Tunisia |
- ACF: Astro Club de Frannce et Observatoire Charles Fehrenbach |
- Dar es Salaam Astronomy League, Baghdad, Irak |
- CST: Cité des Sciences de Tunis, Tunis |
- The Mauritanian Astronomical Society: Nouatkchot, Mauritania |
- The Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía (IAA), Univ. of Granada, Spain |
- Ebtikar: Innovation for Creativity Development Association, Amman, Jordan |
- The Palestine Astronomical Society, West Bank, Palestine |
- NAEC Algeria: National Astronomy Education Coordination-OAE/IAU for Algeria |
- Various Astronomy Associations and Clubs across the country |
To be announced
Festival's Poster
Click on the poster for a larger version.
The Previous Festivals