The 9th National Fair in Popular Astronomy .... 29 October-1 Nov 2010, Constantine, Algeria ... World Space Week 2010 ...The Realm of the Milky Way.... Popular Science in Action   

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The Fair is also part of Algeria 's World Space Week 2010 celebrations.

List of participating Institutions and Associations

This Year's Festival in Few Words
As every Autumn, Sirius is organizing its yearly National Fair in Popular Astronomy, which has become with time one of the most sought after rendez-vous of the year for amateur astronomers all over Algeria. This Year it gets a face lift, it is now a Festival...More     

Le Festival d'Astronomie 2010 en Quelques Mots
Comme chaque année depuis 2002, Sirius organise en Automne une grande kermesse de l'astronomie à Constantine qui est le rendez-vous annuel majeur pour les astronomes amateurs Algeriens ... Suite

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This Year's Theme:
"Mysteries of the Cosmos"

...And as a subtheme
"The Realm of the Milky Way "

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