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How to Make the Media
Work for the (Astronomy) Cause ?

An Elogious Balance Sheet of a Multi-pronged Media Action:

Our media campaigns was, in a well deserved way, described as a “media blitz”: Events organized by Sirius during year 2009 were indeed shown on National TV news five times during the year (and some 15 times if counting rebroadcasting), some 50 times on National radio channels and an estimated 600 times in the various newspapers (news, interviews, communiqués…), while the official Algeria Press Agency (APS) run bulletins from our communiqués close to 10 times. Millions of people in Algeria have heard, some repeatedly, about the Astronomy events during the year, thanks to this reaching out actions.

In Spite of a Presidential Campaign...

As an example of a success we are quite proud of is the media campaign held during the “100 Hours of Astronomy” which felt during the presidential campaign here in Algeria and for which there were many restrictions on the access to the media for everything which wasn’t related to the Presidential campaign. Yet, we succeeded in reaching out to the public... and we did won the first prize in the most coveted category of the “Most publicised 100 Hour of Astronomy registered event”.

Putting the “Heavy Media” to Heavy Use
The high credibility Sirius is credited with, enabled it to access with great profit the National TV at various stages during the unfolding of the of IYA2009 events. Indeed Sirius has become in Algeria and even beyond, the Voice of science & wisdom as far as the yearly controversy surrounding the date of the starting of the month of fasting (Ramadhan). And thanks to its Ramadhan bulletin where the astronomical information on crescent visibility is clearly delineated each year for both Algeria and the Muslim world, credible and scientifically accurate information is available to the general public. These information are widely circulated in the various media and even in the official ones, while only few years ago it was unthinkable that a NGO would go in the public media with an announcement on a subject which is taken to be a sensitive one and the reserved area for the Ministry of Religious Affairs. We may modestly state that Sirius media action in that respect has shaped the way the public perceive the issue of the beginning and ending the fasting month, and official authorities have adapted themselves to this new situation. In practice, their Fatwa on the beginning of the Ramadhan's month is more elaborate and mention explicitly the astronomical data as a source of it.

This credibility of Sirius has in fact touched every aspect of astronomy and we are even solicited on subject which goes beyond astronomy, our domain of expertise. On these subjects we respectfully declined to answer.. Building on this assets, it is not too much of a surprise that we were able to communicate very well with the various media during the IYA-2009.
See below some national news coverage we got during 2009 on Algerian TV and abroad. We may add that Algeria has two National TV channels, the ENTV (In Arabic) and Canal Algerie (Mostly in French) and no private TV.

... and the "Lighter" Ones too!

Our action toward the radios was also significant, and although it was not as prestigious as the “heavy media” like TV broadcasting, it enables us to routinely and on short notice inform millions of people of breaking astronomical news thanks to the level of credibility Sirius has achieved. In fact, our Association has become throughout the years the almost exclusive reference for those media on everything concerning Astronomy.

As stated earlier, national newspapers picked up our various communiqués, news, interviews, an estimated 600 times during this year (Yes, you read it correctly, no extra zero!). Most of the "hits" as it were came from major operations like the "100 Hours of Astronomy", the "Galilean Nights", the crescent visibility announce for each of the start and the end of Ramadhan... We are in particularly proud that the Algerian official news agency, the Algerie Press Service (APS), has written during 2009 some ten or so stories based on our communiqués!
Never before perhaps did the media was so intensively used for promoting Astronomy and the IYA 2009 goals.


How Millions of Algerians have Followed the Astronomy Events
Organized by Sirius during 2009:

Few Examples of National Coverage
of Astronomical Events organized by Sirius
by the "Heavy Media" (Here the Algerian TV)

Coverage on Public TV Channel of the 100 Hours of Astronomy
and of the Galilean Nights
Covering one
of the cornerstone projects of IYA 2009

100 Hours of Astronomy

Sirius in the medua
Sirius, guest of theCanal Algerie TV Channel (in French)
Follow it on YouTube Part1 & Part2

And Another One
The Galilean Nights

The National TV coverage
of the Galilean's Nights on Fickr

Video Part 1 and Video Part 2

The Third Arab Meeting on National TV at the Evening News
The various ENTV News segments during August 3rd 2009 covered the opening ceremony

(both in Arabic & Amazigh) of this large astronomy gathering organized by Sirius.
The Venus Occultation, Constantine, Algeria

The Sirius President interviewed for the evening news.

The pictures of the occultation as broadcasted on national TV from the Sirius observing site at Ain-Smara, in the far Constantine suburb.
Coverage of the Cirta-Science III
Scientific Competition on National TV
(Algeria has two National TV the ENTV and Canal Algerie and no private TV)

The ENTV News Broadcast

The Canal-Algérie News Broadcast

The Prize Distribution on line, Friday 17 April
15:00-18:00 (14:00-17:00 UT)

The Extracts of the Closing Ceremony on YouTube
The Program:
"Bringing the Intl.Year of Astronomy 09
to the Campus"
On Algerian National TV (ENTV)
Here theNational TV team (ENTV)
getting ready for an interview for the evening news.

23-25 June, 2009, Constantine, Algeria
See the link here on the event.
Prof.Guessoum, the guest of the
Bringing the Intl.Year of Astronomy 09
to the Campus

getting interviewed

Among the media present that day we see:
The official Algerie Press Service (APS, the one taking note), Cirta-FM radio station (doing the interview), Le Quotidien d'Oran, el-Khabar...
On Public and Private Tunisian TV's
Sirius on the Public Channel: Tunis TV
on 30 December 2009

Interview of the Sirius representative on Tunisian TV on the IYA 2009 in Algeria during the Tunisian meeting of "Jeunes Sciences" Djerba .
Sirius on Hannibal TV
on 31 December 2009

A rather lenghty segment on Hannibal TV which was devoted to the SAT Meeting in Tunis covered as well Sirius activities.
We also Mention proudly
The "Nadi el-Maarifa", a Weekly Radio Show
Produced by Sirius
"Nadi el-Maarifa" on its twelfth year of activity!
- Follow the program on line every Saturday from 16:20-17:00 GMT

One of the top scientific radio show (in fact most likely the only one) run by a NGO in Africa!

See the special page on it here

