Constantine from the Constantine University
on the Ain El-Bey heights.
We see the prominent Sidi Rached stony
bridge and on the horizon the Hospital.
The Sidi Rached Stony Bridge
The majestuous Sidi Rached bridge
with its main arch crossing the Rhummel river.
That's Constantine!
A City Built on a Rock
. . . cut by a Huge
Ravine through which the Rhummel River flow!
The Sidi M'cid Suspended
Another View
of Sidi M'cid Bridge
Aerial View
of Constantine Circa 1950 Looking from the South
A Garden in a Natural Depression
in Center City
Same View
as the Previous one but Further Back along the Rhummel
The Emir Abdel Kader Mosque
and University
on an Overcast Day
The monumental Emir Abdel Kader's Mosque
is one
of the main landmarks of Constantine.
The white squared building in
the foreground
in the foreground houses the University
of Islamic Sciences.
Emir Abdel Kader Mosque's
Main Entrance
A view of the Emir Abdel Kader Mosque
from the esplanade.
Sirius d'Astronomie
B.P 18, Cité du 20 Août, Constantine-25000, Algérie
Tel: 071-56.06.58 | Fax: 031-93.52.23