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Here is the Algerian national site of the IYL-2015
Kicking Off
the International Year of Light 2015
Paris: 19-20 January at the UNESCO Headquarters
See Below

The emblematic figure of the IYL2015:
Ibn al-Haitham al Basri, author of the "Kitab al Manathir" (Optics) and father of the science of optics.
The IYL-2015 Algeria: The Yearly Agenda
(Not all the events have been reported below. See the official listing for more links)
- Ibn al-Haytham-II Days at Mentouri Univ.- Constantine: 24-25 Jan. 2016
- Conference ‘Lumière et Astronomie’- ATRST, Algiers 21-22 Dec. 2015
Mentouri Univ. and ATRST, Lecture by Prof.A.Melikechi: 15 Dec 2015
- The Optical and Photonics Algerian Society, USTHB 14-15 Dec. 2015
- The ENS Ihya Scientific Society, Constantine-3 Univ: 8
Dec 2015
- The Chlef University Conference on Light 15-16 Nov. 2015
Light and Optical Telecommunication Day, Guelma Univ., 25 Oc. 2015
- The Africa Regional Conference on 'Harnessing Light" Ghana, 14-16 Sept 2015
- Soirées Son et Lumière, MESRS, & Djezzy: downtown Algiers:1-5July 2015
- The Ouargla Salon on Popularisation of Science: 19-21 May
- Ibn al-Haytham Days at Constantine: 21-22 April 2015
- The Year of Light Conference, USTO-MB Univ. 15-16 April 2015.
- Opening of the IYL-2015 at Constantine: 12 April 2015
- The Opening of IYL-2015 at Algiers: 11 April 2015
- The IYL-2015's Grand Opening at Paris: 19-20 Jan 2015
The Full Proceedings here of the IYL2015 Conference at Mentouri University
Special stamp issed for IYL2015 |
Evenings Sounds & Light in center city Algiers |
Friendly visit to Sirius by Jamiat Ulema branch of Bordj el-Ghdir with a scientific program specifically for them. |
Latest: Ouargla Salon on Popularisation of Science
at Ouargla University
Photorama of the Event

On the Ibn al-Haytham Days
at Constantine
Photorama of the Event
The Full Proceedings here of the IYL2015 Conference at Mentouri University

The IYL-2015 Grand Opening
at Algiers (ATRST & DGRSDT)
Moufdi Zakaria Cultural Palace, Kouba
Colloquium and Exhibit
11-12 April 2015
Opening of the IYL-2015 for Algeria by M.Mebarki, the Minister of Higher Education |
 This took place on April 11 in presence of the General Director of UNESCO, Mme Irina Bokova

Three stands put up in partenariat with the Thematic Agency for Research in Science & Technology (ATRST) reaching a whopping 175 square meters area, more than twice the largest concurring stand. One for astronomy, another one for physics...
... ...and the third stand was the planetarium of the CCC caravan with its sophisticated digital projector. |

Five out of the seven team members presenting various experiments in optics to the delegation touring the exhibit.. |
Seven students from the Physics Department at Mentouri University and members of Sirius were manning those stands, in addition to running the Planetarium shows. |
Luckily, they seem to have been granted the gift of ubiquity and could cater to the many demands of the public. Koreichi at work. |

Here the Constantine Cosmos Caravan (CCC) ready to handle eager visitors.

Prof.J.Mimouni from Mentouri University and President of Sirius had the distinguished honnor to give the first general lecture, "The Odyssey of Light", just after the official opening. It was quite a dynamic show as one can see. |
The official delegation paused at lenght at both of
the Sirius stands. Here Mme Bokava with Prof.Mebarki and Prof. Aourag the General Director of the Directorate of Research (behind Mme Bokova) inquiring with the Sirius members. Hichem explaining the Dark Skies Africa Project carried out at various middle schools and part of a 14 African countries network. |

Another stop at the Sirius second stand. In the foreground is a model of the Horn antenna of Bell Lab which enabled the discovery of the CMB back in 1965. The oldest light in the Universe! |

Abderahmane and Hassen from the energetic department at Mentouri University on duty |
With Prof.Hassan Darhmaoui from Ifrane University, representing Morroco |

In service of
the public. Yasser enlightening young minds..

The Sirius astronomical alley! |
Opening of the IYL-2015 for Constantine on the 12th by M.Mebarki, the Algerian Minister of Higher Education, in presence of the UNESCO Director. |

Listening to Dr. Suleiman Baraka from El-Aqsa University at Gaza and the UNESCO Chair holder for Astrophysics for the Palestinian Territories (On the screen at left). He is explaining the actions undertaken to spread the culture of astronomy and the research program on Gaza, and thanking Dr. Bokova for her efforts to allow the opening of UNESCO Chair. |

The Ibn al-Haytham Days
at Mentouri University - Constantine
a Program organized by the Mathematics Department
the Sirius Astronomy Association and the Physics Department.
and with the participation of the "Caravan of Light" from CDTA, Setif
The great support of the DGRSTD and the ATRST in the Exhibit is gratefully aknowledged.
International Colloquium and Exhibit
21-22 April 2015
In Celebration of the IYL-2015
Location: 500 Places Pédagogiques at Mentouri University
Constantine, Algeria
Photorama of the Event
Université de Lille, France |
Ibn al-Haytham, mathematician and physicist |
Daniel ROUAN |
Académie des Sciences, France |
Light and exoplanets |
Université de Barcelone, Espagne |
A History of Maghribi medieval Astronomy & Astrology |
CRAAG (Algiers Observatory) |
Foucault and the measurement of the speed of Light |
Abdelhamid BOULDJEDRI |
Université de Batna |
The nuclear light and the secret energy of the Sun |
Djamil AISSANI, Mohamed BEKLI, Djamel MECHEHED |
Université de Béjaia |
Ibn Hammad, Ibn Sab`in, Ibn Khaldun and other Maghreban sources on optics and light. |
CDTA, Université de Sétif |
"The many uses of light: from substance identification to 3D printing" |
Mentouri University |
Cosmic Symphonia |
- The Proceedings can be found here
Followed by a Round table:
"Light in the XXI Century"
With the participation of the Laboratories of the Mathematics Department,
and the Laboratory of Mathematical Physics and Subatomic Physics (LPMPS)
This International Colloquium and Exhibit -Ibn el-Haitham Days- initiated and organized by the Mathematical Department of Mathematics in collaboration with Sirius, aims at celebrating the IYL-2015 in Eastern Algeria. Lecturers from various Algerian universities and from abroad will give some 8 talks about light, its history, and its various applications.
The exhibit accompagnying th colloquium will focus on light and is made of 50 large panels describing the various aspects of light: the physics of light, light in the Lab, light in daily life, and light in the cosmos. The "Caravan of Light from CDTA, Setif with its 40 experiments in optics will participate to the exhibit as well as the Research Center in Astronomy & Astrophysics (CRAAG, the former Algiers Observatory). It will also include a series of experiments related to optics that will be staffed by students of the physics department. School groups from all over the region will be visiting the exhibit during the two days as arrangements have been made with the Educational Directorate of the Constantine Prefectorate.
إبن الهيثم: رياضي وفيزيائي |
Université de Lille |
أحمد جبار |
الضوء والكواكب خارج النظم الشمسي |
أكاديمية العلوم، فرنسا |
Daniel ROUAN |
تاريخ علم الفلك والتنجيم في المغرب خلال العصور الوسطى |
جامعة برشلونة، إسبانيا |
فوكو وقياسه لسرعة الضوء |
CRAAG ، الجزائر، مرصد الجزائر |
نسيم سغواني |
إبن حماد إبن سبعين إبن خلدون ومصادر مغربية أخرى حول البصريات والضوء |
جامعة بجاية |
جمال عيساني، محمد بكلي، جميا مشهد |
الضوء النووي وأسرار الشمس |
جامعة باتنة |
عبد الحميد بوالجدري |
تحولات الضوء وألوان الكون |
جامعة قسنطينة |
جمال ميموني |
تنظم أيام ابن الهيثم للاحتفال بالسنة العالمية للضوء 2015 في المنطقة الشرقية للجزائر، وذلك بحضور محاضرين في شتى تخصصات. أما المعرض الذي يقام بالموازاة مع الملتقى فسيضم 40 لوحة تعليمية تصف الجوانب المختلفة للضوء، فيزياء الضوء، الضوء في المخبر، الضوء في الحياة اليومية والضوء في الكون. كما سيضم عدد من تجارب مرتبطة بالبصريات يُقدمها طلبة قسم الفيزياء. كما سيتم بالتنسيق مع مديرية التربية تنظيم زيارات أفواج مدرسية للمعرض. |
Detailed Program 21-22 April 2015
Colloquium: "Shedding light on light"
Tuesday 21 April
9h30- 9h45 |
Cérémonie d'Ouverture
- Allocutions d'introduction
- Inauguration par Prof.A.Djekoun, Président de l'Université |
9h45- 10h45 |
Ahmed DJEBBAR, Université de Lille, France
Ibn al-Haytham, mathématicien et physicien Talk and Write up |
10h45- 11h15 |
Pause café, visite de l'Exposition:
« Monts et Merveilles de la Lumière »
Dépt. de Physique, Assoc. Sirius, et CRAAG |
11h15- 12h15 |
Daniel ROUAN, Académie des Sciences, France
Lumière et Exoplanètes |
13h30- 14h30 |
Marc OLIVERAS, Université de Barcelone, Espagne
A History of Maghribi medieval astronomy & Ibn Qunfudh al-Qacentini |
14h30- 15h30 |
الفيزيائي فوكو (Foucault) وقياس سرعة الضوء
Foucault et la détermination de la vitesse de la lumière |
15h30- 16h30 |
Abdelhamid BOULDJEDRI, Université de Batna
الضوء النووي وأسرار الشمس
La lumière nucléaire et les secrets du Soleil |
Wednesday 22 April
8h30- 9h30 |
Djamil AISSANI Mohamed BEKLI, Djamel MECHEHED, Univ. de Béjaia
"Ibn Hammad, Ibn Sab`in, Ibn Khaldun et les autres sources maghrébines relatives à l'optique et à la lumière (13e - 19e siècles)" |
9h30- 10h10
10h10- 10h55
Mahdi RAHMANI, CDTA Sétif: "Applications de la lumière, de l'identification des substances à l'impression 3D"
Courtes interventions d'étudiants de mathématique et de physique sur la Lumière et son histoire |
10h55- 11h15 |
Pause café - Exposition |
11h15- 12h15 |
Jamal MIMOUNI, Université Mentouri
الضوء في كل أحواله
Les Avatars de la Lumière |
Après Midi: Table Ronde
"La Lumière au XXI siècle"
Modérée par Prof.J.Mimouni
Participation de: D.Rouan, N.Seghouani, A.Bouldjedri, M.Rahmani...

The Grand Opening of IYL-2015 at Paris
19-20 January 2015
 The UNESCO hall on the opening day

Irina Bokova, the UNESCO's Director General giving the introductory statements. |

Some high powered speakers: The two Nobel prize holders Ahmed Zewail and Serge Haroche, and Norio Kaidu, the President of the IAU.

Physics Nobel prize, William Phillips's unique show


A large space was devoted to the exhibit which was held in parallel to the main lectures program. |

Photo Exposition on Haiti |

Large scale model of the camera obscura invented by Ibn al-Haitham in the exposition hall of the UNESCO |

Meet Vy: Light can improve life. T.NT.Tran from Vietnam & USA explained how disfiguring birthmarks can be treated successfully. |

Let there be light ! |
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