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The Various Main Activities & Observation Compaigns From 1996 till 2004 From 2004 and up, look at the scrolling list The January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse Astronomy at the "Gates of the Desert" The Magic Dome On the Hegiric Calendar 400 Years of Telescope Poster The 9th Festival in Popular Astronomy, Constantine 29 0ct-1 Nov Ramadhan 2010/1431h Return of the Sirius Team from Aleppo, Syria Return of the Sirius Scientific Caravan "Cirta Science-3" Science Day 2010 on Campus The Grand Cirta-Science III Competition Global Earth Sighting Campaign December 31 partial Lunar Eclipse & Training Camp The Sirius - Tunisian Connection: Khartoum The AUASS Ninth Conference The Eight National Fair in Popular Astronomy 2009 The Galilean Nights 2009 at Constantine The Perseids of August 2009 from Ghardaia Ramadhan 2009 Third Arab Meeting on Amateur Astronomy The China Expedition for the August 22 Solar Eclipse Symposium: The Pleasure of Astronomy The 100 Hours of Astronomy at Constantine The Grand Cirta-Science II Concours The Opening of the Intl. Year of Astro 09 at Paris The Venus 8 June 2004 Transit from Constantine The Seventh National Fair in Popular Astronomy Ramadhan & Eid 2008 The Grand Cirta-Science Competition Seminars on Cosmology & Science The Total Lunar Eclipse 21 February 2008 The Sixth National Fair in Popular Astronomy Ramadhan 1428/2007 Lectures on the History of Science The March 3, 2007 Lunar Eclipse The Fifth National Salon in Popular Astronomy Total solar eclipse 29 March 06, Jalu Libya Visit to CRAAG at AinSmara Astronomy Salon 2005 October 3, 2005 Annular Eclipse Astronomy Salon 2004 The May 4, 2004 Lunar Eclipse ----------------------------------------------------------- Ramadhan ------------------------------------------------------------- Popular Astronomy Salon 2003 The May 16, 2003 Lunar Eclipse campaign LEONIDS 2002 Popular Astronomy Salon 2002 Linear is Coming --------------------------------------------------------------- The Sirius Radio program on Cirta FM -------------------------------------------------------------- The Starshine2 project Participation at the Intl. Expo-Science at Tipaza in Algeria The First National Expo on Scientific Activities The Oran Summer School on Space Techniques Great Planetary Alignment of May 2002 The January 09-2001 Lunar Eclipse The Ninth Ghardaia National Astronomical Conference The January 21-2000 Lunar Eclipse LEONIDS 99 The August 11, 1999 Total Solar Eclipse Open Doors on Astronomy- 1998 The Great Comet Hale-Bopp Astronomy Day 1997 The September 27, 1996 Lunar Eclipse
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