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The "Ihya el-Ouloum Scientific Society" Grand Opening
ENS-Constantine-3 Univ.
08 December 2015, Ali Mendjeli City

The Grand Opening of the Ihya al-Ouloum Scientific Society took place under the sign of the International Year of Light 2015. A very diverse program was put forward, centered around the keynote address of Prof.J.Mimouni, president of the Sirius Astronomy Association. The attendance was there to mark the event: some 500 students and Faculty members showed up for the kick off of this promising scientific association. |
With the Participation of
the "Constantine Cosmos Caravan" (CCC) Exhibit
The Opening and the Keynote Lecture |

A fully packed lecture hall. |

Chatting with the speaker
The Astronomy Exhibit (CCC) and the Ihya Association's Registration Booth |

The ENS Directeur at left along with at right Saleh Benhizia, president of the Ihya el-Ouloum Scientific Association |
Melikechi's Lecture
Mentouri Univ. and ATRST
December 15, 2015
Dr. Noureddine Melikechi is a prestigious Algerian scientist working at Delaware State University (DSU). He is the former dean of the College of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology, and vice president of Research, Innovation & Economic Development. He is the initiator of the Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR) within DSU. He is also as a member of the Curiosity ChemCam Team, strongly involved with the exploration of Mars.
He was the special guess lecturer of Mentouri University at a program organized to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy 2015

The attendance was there, eager to hear this Algerian Prof from "America". |
 Setting the stage... At right is Mme Zaatri, Director of the ATRST along with Prof.Melikechi and the University's Rector. |

Melikechi lecturing on the applications of light from Medecine to Mars Exploration... |
The IYL-2015 Algeria: The Yearly Agenda
(Not all the events have been reported below. See the official listing for more links)
- Ibn al-Haytham-II Days at Mentouri Univ.- Constantine: 24-25 Jan. 2016
- Conference ‘Lumière et Astronomie’- ATRST, Algiers 21-22 Dec. 2015
- Mentouri Univ. and ATRST, Lecture by Prof.A.Melikechi: 15 Dec 2015
- The Optical and Photonics Algerian Society, USTHB 14-15 Dec. 2015
- The ENS Ihya Scientific Society, Constantine-3 Univ: 8
Dec 2015
- The Chlef University Conference on Light 15-16 Nov. 2015
- Light and Optical Telecommunication Day, Guelma Univ., 25 Oc. 2015
- The Africa Regional Conference on 'Harnessing Light" Ghana, 14-16 Sept 2015
- Soirées Son et Lumière, MESRS, & Djezzy: downtown Algiers:1-5July 2015
- The Ouargla Salon on Popularisation of Science: 19-21 May
- Ibn al-Haytham Days at Constantine: 21-22 April 2015
- The Year of Light Conference, USTO-MB Univ. 15-16 April 2015.
- Opening of the IYL-2015 at Constantine: 12 April 2015
- The Opening of IYL-2015 at Algiers: 11 April 2015
- The IYL-2015's Grand Opening at Paris: 19-20 Jan 2015
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