The Report
Location: Sila, Daira of Sigus, OEB
Time: from 23:00 (13th of August) to 3:00 (14th of August)
Temperature: Between 20° and 25° C
Sky: clear with some clouds (سحب ركامية)
Sky magnitude: 6
Number of Meteors observed: 120+
Number of Bolids: more than 10 bolids
Members who participated in the observations: Mourad Hamdouche, Guergouri Hichem, Benilles Mhd ElKoraichi, Zaaf Abdnasser, and Cherif Halimi as a guest.
Camera: Canon 650D with 18-55mm lens, Iso 3200, 15 seconds and F/4.5, 18mm
Guergouri Hichem |