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Science Day at the Mila University Center
on April 11, 2012

Célébrating Science Day with the students of the Mila Prefectorat
A lecture on "Cultivating Astronomy"
in addition to a Scientific Competition

Invited by the Vice Rectorat of Cultural Activities there for the second time in the row, Sirius organised a special Science Day centered on alecture and a scientific contest. This took place to celebrate Science Day and it was attended by a good assistance of students from the various departments.... More
Sirius Mila Algeria University students science
The majestuous Mila University Center standing on the top of a hill in the middle of the fields. Below it is the main student's dormitory.
I found on ebay a very affordable one, from Panasonic.
I found on ebay a very affordable one, from Panasonic.
An attentive audience
I found on ebay a very affordable one, from Panasonic.

A scientific competition was organized at the end of the lecture.

I found on ebay a very affordable one, from Panasonic.
One of the laureats of the Sirius competition
I found on ebay a very affordable one, from Panasonic. I found on ebay a very affordable one, from Panasonic.


Two more laureats here