Sirius astronomy Algeria  الجزائر غلم الفلك

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Science Sirius astronomie astronomy 2018  الشعرى Algeria علم الفك الجزائر قسنطينة Science Sirius Science astronomy 2018 Algeria علم الفك الجزائر قسنطينة

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomy

Erathostene Sirius Algeria Science astronomy
Along the Path of Eratosthenes
21 -June 2021
Maison de Jeunes Ahmed Saadi, Filali Constantine - Algeria

Contribution from the DJS, the Research Unit on Scientific Mediation (CERIST) and the Science Club (El-Khroub)

The original method used by Etrathostenes
Eratosthenes Algeria 2021 Algérie Constantine

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie

The Event was also held in coordination with the

Preliminary Results for the Earth Circumference

Sirius: Average value from 10 groups: 39,900km

(True polar value for the Earth as an oblate spheroid: 40,008 km)

See also the 2013 Erathostenes Campaign and 2014 one
from the Emir Abdelkader Esplanade Constantine
Eratosthenes Algeria 2021

The Pictures from Constantine
from Médéa

... and from Alexandria, Egypt

The Experiment at the Esplanade of the Ahmed Saadi Youth Center
Ten groups were formed out of some 120 kids who came that day from Constantine and Khroub...

Eratosthenes Algeria 2021
It started with a Workshop/Conference at the Ahmed Saadi Auditorium.

A theater play on Erathostenus. Here more
Eratosthenes Algeria 2021
Going to do the measurements, with the groups distributed on two levels
Eratosthenes Algeria 2021

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Constantine Science Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Constantine Science
Measuring, measuring, measuring ... computing, computing, computing...
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomy Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomy
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie 2021
Return to the auditorium to analyse the results... under the watchful care of the Director of the Ahmed Saadi Youth Center
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Constantine Science

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Constantine Science
Comparing the measurements...

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Constantine Science
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Constantine Science
The young participants

Video clips

From Médéa

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Medea Merouane
And perhaps the most accurate measurement possible...


... and from Alexandria, Egypt

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Egypt

At Bibliotheca Alexandrina at Alexandria, Egypt, Dr. Omar Fikri, head of the Planetarium section there organized, as every year, a well-attended public event. He reported the following:

More than 150 students attended the program, along with some of their parents. The program included a scientific play, an interactive scientific presentation, and a scientific lecture on the experiment and how to measure the Earth diameter. A group of students from Aswan participated with the students of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in the location of the well on which Eratosthenes relied in the idea of the experiment.

Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Egypt
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Egypt
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Egypt
Presenting the results...

In the background the Planetarium and beyond is the Meditteranean sea
Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomie Egypt
Dr. Omar Fikri, the head of the Planetarium section, lecturing ...


Erathostenes Sirius Algeria Science astronomy
