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Open Doors on the Sciences - 2016
at Mentouri University

Sept 29,2016

To open the academic year 2016, a special Open Doors day was organized by the Faculty of Fundamental Sciences in coordination with the Sirius Astronomy Association and the LPMPS Lab.
It consisted of:
- Lectures on Astronomy and Physics
- Exhibition with hands on activities by the Sirius and the Physics Club.

We had as special guests, Philippe Morel, Director of the Fehrenbach Observatory in France and Nassim Seghouani head of the Aurès National Observatory project.

- Some Selected Previous Activities at the University

(Click on the pictures for higher resolution)

The opening by the Dean of Fundamental Sciences


An extensive lecture by Philippe Morel on observation in Astronomy and in particular its commented 20 years portfolio of chasing eclipses around the World.

Dr.Seghouani's lecture on the Aures Observatory Project and the detection of gravitational waves.

Prof. Mebarki's, Director of the LPMPS lecturing on the "Mysteries of Physics".
Exhibition & Manipulation
