They came
from all over the country... The opening day at the camp. |

Discovering young talents... |

The camp was organized in villages, each with its specific topic: The Science and Development village, the Art village... |

There was every day a nightime gathering with special activities for the whole camp. Among them, short talks by Prof. J.Mimouni on topics ranging trom: Know your Corner of our Universe, The Space Adventure, Free floating in Orbit, Least we forget Gaza... |

Vivid presentations by the Sirius members to the various Scout groups. Yasser and Salah doing the talking. |

Here Moukhliss in action...

The "Cosmic Symphony" exhibit used for pedagogical purposes. Here is a partial view of the exhibit with its 45 panels next to the Sirius tent. |

Were also present the Race to Space 2016 winners which helped coach the various scout groups. Standing up among them Moukliss, and seated is Acil. |

The Science village within the camp where the Sirius tent and exhibit were located.. |

Salah presenting the Universe... |

Here the R2S team part of the Sirius team with a group of young scouts (Salaheddine, Chamseddine, Houssem and Yahya). Motivating the youth and preparing them for tomorrow's World. |

Under the Sirius tent, Kheiro and Moukliss at left, and Salah at right. All in all, 12 members of Sirius were present some for the whole week and others for a period of time |

It was non stop sessions day after day, so that at the end of the week, all the group have gotten a hefty astronomical dose |
Kheiro and Salah during a workshop |

Part of the Sirius team |

Dedicated talks on the Space training program... |

No scout camp without camp fire |
A gorgeous sunset at Zemmouri beach, few hundred meters from the camp... and a glorious sunset on the return trip. |