Click on the poster for a larger version. Poster in English.

In collaboration with the Arab Union of Astronomy & Space Sciences (AUASS)
The sponsoring of the LPMPS Laboratoire de Physique Mathématique et de Physique des Particules) -Mentouri University
Participation of the African Astronomical Society (AfAS) as a cosponsor

Sponsoring of the CRAAG, Algiers

Theme: "The Universe at all wavelengths
23 -25 March 2017
Video by Chaima on the Festival 
Exploring a colorful Universe, explaining the hues of celestial bodies that astrophysics reveals, looking beyond our solar neighborhood...
Application deadline extended to the 5th of March
The 15th Edition of the National Festival in Popular Astronomy
Year after year since 2001, the National
Festivals in Popular Astronomy are held for the benefit of the public at large. The subject for this fifteenth edition is the Universe, focusing on its multiwavelength aspect, its colorful nature as it were. Many activities will take place during this edition, both high level ones for the amateurs and others for the general public. All this has made this Festival throughout the years a much sought astronomical rendez vous. Like usual, this year comes with its share of surprises ....
La 15eme Edition du
Festival National d'Astronomie Populaire
Pour la quinzième fois
depuis 2001, Sirius organise un
grand rassemblement d'astronomie populaire à Constantine.
Le thème cette année est l"Univers Sous Toutes ses Couleurs". Ce Festival a acquis au fil des ans ses lettres de noblesse et est devenu le rendez-vous annuel majeur pour les
amateurs Algériens et ceux de la région. La participation internationale a touché trois continents et une dizaine de pays l'année dernière ...
The Magic Dome
The Planetarium of the Constantine Cosmos Caravan will entertain again the public during the three days of the Festival |