Great time for the youth. The program was fully space oriented |

Answering specific questions. Fatma Laouar explaining the Glashow's snake to curious visitors.
 Lectures on the latest news and achievements in astronomy and space programs

Here Prof.A.Bouldjedri from Batna University lecturing on a space related subject |

An imposing exhibit : The Cosmic Symphonia. |

Entering the "Black Hole": the CCC planetarium... |

Overview of a side of the exhibit.
What are those kids waiting for? The answer at left. |
Marouane Shwaiki's sky map put to good use.

Unending waves of kids came to the astro drawing Workshop. Here one of the many morning groups put to task. |

Sofiane, Saliha and kids in front of Ariane 5. |

Ismahane at left and Fatma at right, two Astrophysics students and members of Sirius doing their outreach ... |

Celebrating WSW-2017 at Bouchoul High School at Zouaghi with a lecture on the space adventure and the many uses of space. |

Members of the Sirius group at their regular Saturday meeting, the week after the event. That day, the best achievers during the Open Doors were rewarded. |