1- “One Hundred Hours of Astronomy at Mentouri Univ.”, Thursday, January 10,
Mentouri University: Physics Club & Sirius Association
This activity will take place at the Humanities Building. There will be an Exhibition provided by Sirius, open day activities, datashow presentations by Sirius members, and more. It should attract many students and Faculty members since it is at crossroad between various buildings, and thousands of students go through daily.
Coordinator: Echeima Amine-khodja, Sirius member
Post event report: The "100 Hours Corner"was visited by hundreds of students and Faculty members crossing the affluent hall and stopping by.
2- “Astronomy for Kids” : Constantine, Sunday, January 10,
Organizer: Sirius Astronomy Association
Ahbab Erahman Kindergarten, El Khroub, W. of Constantine
Program geared at young kids to introduce them to the joy of the night sky
Coordinator: Zeyneb Aissani, Sirius member
3- The Solar System: The Sun and its family, Thursday January 10,
Green Garden Kindergarten
Organizer: Sirius Astronomy Association
Explain to young kids the Solar System using a projection system with the Sun as one of the parents and the planet being the kids. Distribution of astronomical postcards as rewards for active participation.
Coordinator: Asma Mimouni, Sirius member
4- “Oasis of Science in the Service of 100 Hours” : Constantine, Friday, January 11,
Constantine Regional Radio Station, Constantine
Organizer: Sirius Astronomy Association
Radio Show fully dedicated to the 100 Hours with the participation of kids.
Coordinator: Mourad Hamdouche, Sirius member
5- “Open Doors on Astronomy ", Constantine, Saturday, January 12,
Malek Haddad Cultural Center, Constantine
Organizer: Sirius Astronomy Association
A whole day event with multi-faced activities:
Lectures, astronomy exhibit, training session on how to present astronomy to a young audience, free planetarium sessions, hands on activities, film screening with debate.
Coordinator: Jamal Mimouni, Sirius member
6- “The Marvels of Astronomy”: Constantine, Sunday, January 13,
Ibn Rochd Middle School, El-Khroub, W. of Constantine
Organiser: Sirius Astronomy Association
A Lecture followed by a debate to Middle School and High School students about the many benefits of Astronomy to society.
Coordinator: Haffar Bakir, Sirius member
7- "The Cosmic Epic" & "For the Sake of Astronomy": Constantine, Sunday, January 13,
Hamou Bouchoul High School, Zouaghi, Constantine
Two lectures to six classes each followed by a lively debate in all given by J.Mimouni, head of the Gradute Studies in Astrophysics, Mentouri University
Coordinator: Foura Djerrar, Sirius member
8- “Astronomy for Kids”: Constantine, Sunday, January 13,
Scientist Club, El Bassair, El-Khroub, W of Constantine
Organiser: Sirius Astronomy Association
Program geared at young kids to introduce them to the joy of the night sky
Coordinator: IHSSEN SALEM, Sirius member