Official Program البرنامج الرسمي
(Daily updates )
The Event (20-27 July ) comprises :
(From 13h00 to 19h00)
- Four Exhibits related to Space and Astronomy including "Above & Beyond"
- Apollo Exhibit : Saturn V rocket + CM + Scenerie Apollo 11 + Algerian Space Program (ASAL)
- Scientific Film Festival on the Space Conquest
- Thiteen lectures by scientists and well known specialists
- Activities with the youth : workshops, experiments, films, competitions...(From 13h to18h)
- Astronomical sighting with telescopes (Esplanade of the Palais de la Culture from 20h à 22h)
1- Four Exhibits Related to Space & Astronomy
Expo 1: "Above and Beyond", IAU100, 12 panels : ما أعلاه وما وراء
Expo 2: Apollo 11 & the Conquest of Space : 15 panels : غزو الفضاء
Expo 3: "Cosmic Symphony", 45 panels : السيمفونيا الكونية
Expo 4: Astrophotos: Mohamed Aissa Moussa, Guerarra: بدائع الكون من الصحراء
2- Exhibitions of Apollo rockets models and the ASAL Wing
- Saturn V rocket + CM (Command Module) + Scenerie Apollo 11
- ASAL wing (Algerian Space Agency) : Scale 1:1 of most of the Algerian satellites, panels on the Algerian program, interactive display...
3- Film Festival on the Space Conquest
(Sirius - Hichem Guergouri)
Among the movies:
Apollo 11 (Just released), Hidden Figures, Dawn of the Space Age, Interstellar, the Martian, In the Shadow of the Moon, Gravity, documentary movies on space conquest...
Detailed Program: البرنامج المفصل |
4- Activities with the Youth: 13h - 18h every day
(Sirius + LJSA)
Astronomy workshops, Planetarium shows, daily interactive activities for the youth, film festival (For Sirius: Cheima Ali-Khodja, Zeyneb Aissani, Farah Derradji, Khaoula Laggoune, Hichem Guergouri, Sofiane Ouaari, Koreishi Benyelles, Moussa Meddour, Khaled Chebri, Mehdi Boulsene, Kheireddine Aouane, Smail Beyoud, Mohamed Aissa-Moussa, Yousra Mimouni, Hiba Mimouni...)
5- Planetarium shows: 13h - 18h, every day
- Introduction to the night sky
- The solar system
- The invention of the telescope
The last two shows were produced by the Sirius Association, with the translation in Arabic as well as the voice recording in Arabic and English by Khaoula Laggoune, with the technical assistance of Hichem Guergouri
6- Evening Astronomical Viewing
Dimanche 21, Mardi 23, Jeudi 25: de 8h30 à 10h: Esplanade du Palais de la Culture (La cour centrale). Suivant la météo, confirmation sur le site
ou la page facebook:
La confirmation des soirées sera donnée ici.
Confirmation pour Observation du Dimanche 21: de 8h30 à 10h
Confirmation pour Observation du Mardi 23: de 8h30 à 10h
Confirmation pour Observation du Jeudi 25: de 8h30 à 10h
7- Conferences:
(Sirius) 17h-19h every day
Un cycle de conférences de spécialistes et personnalités scientifiques, dont Prof. N.Guessoum American University in Sharjah and صاحب الحصة تأمل معي , Prof.Charaf Chabou, Directeur Faculté des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Sétif, Prof. J.Mimouni, Président African Astronomical Society, ...
- Saturday 20 July:
Press Conference at 10h: petit auditorium du Palais de la Culture
Inauguration and visit of the stands: 11h
The Conferences
- Sunday 21 July :
Djounai Baba-Aissa, CRAAG: البرنامج أبولو والنزول على سطح القمر
S.Bentata, A.Mebrek, ASAL: الأقمار الصناعية المنجزة في مركز تطوير الأقمار بأرزيو
- Monday 22 July:
Charaf Chabou, Univ. Sétif القمر تاريخه وجيولوجيته
A. Zegrar, K.Bouakkaz, K.Sekkour, ASAL: نشاطات و تقنيات بالمركز تقنيات الفضاء بأرزيو
- Tuesday 23 July:
Faycal Demri, CDTA, Sirius: السباق إلى الفضاء: الإتحاد السوفياتي مقابل أمريكا
- Wednesday 24 July:
Mohamed Said Ouldali, Sirius إستغلال الفضاء القريب
Jamal Mimouni, Univ. Constantine: المغامرة الفضائية الجوانب الإنسانية والتكنولوجية
- Thursday 25 July:
Khaoula Aggoune, Faculté de Médecine, U. Mentouri & Sirius الطب الفضائي
Djounai Baba-Aissa, CRAAG : المريخ وغزو الفضاء، المغامرة المتواصلة
- Friday 26 July:
- Minimal program due to the Hirak
- Saturday 27 July:
Nidhal Guessoum, American Univ. at Sharjah, UAE: Two conferences
17h-18h: التجربة الروحية لرواد الفضاء
18h-19h: نقاش مفتوح حول العلم والدين والإنسان
Dedicace and book signing : أسئلة الإسلام و العلم المزعجة الكون، التطور، الإعجاز
Closure ceremony with a panel of scientific personalities : 19h-19h20 |