English coverage of the visit by the online magazine Inspire
At the ATLAS Detector | |
The Atlas detector in all its glory. We were among the few last groups to visit it as it was about to be sealed off for the outside world for many years due to the high level of radiation it produces when in operation. |
Getting a briefing on the CERN organisation Dr. Kate Shaw, our devoted guide from the Atlas Udine group at Trieste |
The group meeting with Prof.Frederick Bordry, Director of the CERN accelerators division |
Prof.J.Ellis, the well known CERN physicist, delivering an introductory talk on particle physics to our group. |
At the CMS | |
The mystery picture at the CMS detector. What is this? Whoever find it please drop us a note at our box to claim your prize. |
At the AMS facility Being briefed on the PSI Zurich facility |
Group picture with the CMS in the back. |
At the Geneva Observatory | |
At the Geneva Observatory: An introductory lecture for the group |
Inside the Berne Cathedral | |
The monumental Berne Cathedral with the highest steeple in Switzerland |
Einstein's desk |
A view from Einstein's window |
At the Musée de la Croix Rouge at Geneva | |
The Rwanda horror wall: victims of ethnic cleansing |
The hall of chains, symbolizing the chains of oppression and persecution of man by man... |
At the Geneva University & Library | |
At the Salle du Grand Conseil at Geneva |
At Berne, the Federal Capital |
The famous Clock Tower (La Tour de l’Horloge ou Zytglogge) |
Off the road near Geneva |
Back to Geneva | |
A modern style Church in downtown Geneva |
In front of the giant water jet of the Geneva Lake |